How To Store Kayaks in Garage: Space-Saving Tips and Safety Measures

Kayaking, an adventure that blends fun with fitness, is a favored activity among outdoor enthusiasts. But as much as we love the thrill of paddling in serene waters, the question of safely storing our kayaks when they’re not in use often looms large. In this guide, we’ll dive into the nuances of storing kayaks in your garage, ensuring they’re kept in top condition while maximizing your space.

Understanding Kayak Storage Needs

Why Proper Storage is Crucial

Kayaks, though sturdy, are susceptible to damage if not stored correctly. Sunlight, moisture, and extreme temperatures can take a toll, leading to fading, warping, or cracking. Proper storage not only prolongs the life of your kayak but also ensures it’s ready for your next adventure.

Assessing Your Garage Space

The first step is to take stock of your garage space. Consider the size of your kayak and the available area, ensuring there’s enough room to move around. Remember, your kayak’s storage spot shouldn’t compromise accessibility to other items in the garage.

Preparing Your Kayak for Storage

Storing your kayak properly is crucial, but it’s just as important to ensure it’s prepped and ready for its time off the water. Let’s delve into the simple yet essential steps of cleaning, maintenance, and long-term preservation of your kayak.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Before you even think about storing your kayak, the first step is a good, thorough clean. Why? Because dirt, sand, and other grime can wear down the material of your kayak over time. Not to mention, it’s always nicer to start your next kayaking adventure with a clean kayak.

  1. Rinse It Down: Start by rinsing your kayak with fresh water. This helps to remove any salt (if you’ve been in the ocean), mud, or debris. A garden hose works perfectly for this.
  2. Use the Right Cleaner: After rinsing, use a mild soap and a sponge or soft cloth to give your kayak a gentle scrub. Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive scrubbers – they can damage the kayak’s surface.
  3. Dry It Off: Once you’ve washed it, dry your kayak thoroughly with a towel or let it air dry. This step is crucial to prevent mold and mildew.
  4. Inspect for Damage: Look over your kayak carefully for any signs of wear and tear. Check for cracks, holes, or loose parts. Pay particular attention to the hull, as it faces the most stress during use.
  5. Address Repairs Promptly: If you find any damage, it’s best to repair it before storing your kayak. Small cracks can often be fixed with a kayak repair kit, while more significant damage might require professional help.
  6. Apply UV Protectant: If your kayak is made of plastic, consider applying a UV protectant spray. This helps to prevent the color from fading and the material from becoming brittle.

Long-Term Preservation

  1. Invest in a Quality Cover: A cover is essential for protecting your kayak from dust, moisture, and UV rays, especially if your storage area isn’t climate-controlled. Choose a cover that’s designed for kayaks, ensuring it fits snugly and is made of breathable, waterproof material.
  2. Avoid Direct Sunlight: If parts of your garage are exposed to sunlight, try to store your kayak in a spot that remains shaded throughout the day. Continuous exposure to sunlight can degrade the kayak’s material over time.
  3. Control Moisture Levels: If your garage tends to get damp, consider using a dehumidifier or moisture absorbers near your stored kayak. Excess moisture can lead to mold and mildew, which you definitely want to avoid.

Storage Solutions and Techniques

Vertical vs. Horizontal Storage

Choosing between vertical and horizontal storage depends on your kayak type and space constraints. Vertical storage is a space-saver but might not suit all kayak models. Horizontal storage, while taking up more room, often provides better support and stability.

DIY Storage Solutions

For the handy DIYers, creating a simple storage solution like wall racks or hanging systems can be both cost-effective and satisfying. With basic tools and materials, you can tailor a storage system to fit your specific kayak and garage dimensions.

Commercial Storage Systems

If DIY isn’t your thing, there are plenty of commercial options available. From wall mounts to freestanding racks, choose a system that fits your kayak’s size and weight, and your garage’s layout.

Safety and Accessibility

When it comes to storing your kayak, two critical aspects you should always keep in mind are safety and accessibility. Let’s delve deeper into these important considerations.

Ensuring Safe Storage

Safety should be your top priority. A poorly secured kayak isn’t just a nuisance; it can be a real hazard, potentially falling and causing injury or damage. Here’s how you can ensure your kayak is safely stored:

  1. Choose the Right Mounts: Whether you opt for a rack or a hanging system, pick one that’s designed to handle the weight and size of your kayak. Don’t skimp on quality here; a sturdy mount is an investment in safety.
  2. Secure Fastening: If you’re using straps or ropes, ensure they are tightly secured around the kayak. Check for any signs of wear and tear regularly, and replace them if they start to look frayed or worn.
  3. Stability is Key: When placing your kayak on a rack, make sure it sits evenly. Uneven weight distribution can lead to the kayak tipping or falling off the rack.
  4. Regular Checks: Periodically, give your storage system a once-over to ensure everything is holding up. This includes checking the rack’s fittings to the wall or ceiling, as well as the condition of the kayak itself.
  5. Keep It Low: If possible, avoid storing your kayak too high. A lower height reduces the risk of injury if it were to fall, and makes it easier to lift in and out of storage.

Easy Access and Organization

Now, let’s talk about making your life easier. Storing your kayak in a way that’s accessible and organized can save you time and energy, especially when you’re eager to hit the waters. Here’s how you can achieve this:

  1. Strategic Placement: Store your kayak in a spot where it’s easy to get to, without having to move other items out of the way. Think about the easiest path from your garage to your vehicle or directly to the water if that’s an option.
  2. Gear Organization: Keep your kayaking gear like paddles, life jackets, and helmets near your kayak. This way, everything you need is in one place. Consider using hooks, shelves, or bins to keep smaller items organized.
  3. Labeling for Efficiency: If you have multiple pieces of gear, labels can be a lifesaver. Label shelves or bins with the items they contain, so you can find what you need without rummaging through everything.
  4. Seasonal Swap-outs: If you have gear for different activities, rotate them seasonally. When it’s kayaking season, make sure your kayaking equipment is front and center and move out-of-season items to a less accessible spot.
  5. Accessibility for All: Consider the height and reach of all family members who may need access to the kayak and related gear. Storing items in a way that is accessible for everyone ensures that all family members can participate in the activity with ease.

Seasonal Considerations

Winter Storage Tips

When winter rolls around, your kayak needs a bit more TLC. In cold climates, the last thing you want is for your kayak to be damaged by freezing temperatures or unwanted moisture. Here’s how to keep it safe and sound:

  1. Keep It Covered: Use a waterproof cover to shield your kayak from snow and rain. This cover doesn’t need to be fancy – even a sturdy tarp will do, as long as it’s secure and doesn’t collect water.
  2. Elevate Your Kayak: If possible, don’t let your kayak sit directly on a cold garage floor. Elevating it on a rack or even a set of sawhorses can prevent it from becoming too cold, which can cause the material to become brittle and more susceptible to damage.
  3. Check for Moisture: Before covering your kayak, make sure it’s completely dry. Trapped moisture can lead to mold or mildew, which can weaken the material and cause unpleasant odors.
  4. Avoid Extreme Cold: If you can, store your kayak in a place that doesn’t get too bitterly cold. Extreme temperatures can be harsh on the materials most kayaks are made of.

Preparing for Active Seasons

As the weather warms up and you start itching to get back on the water, it’s important to make sure your kayak is as ready as you are. Here’s a quick checklist to get you started:

  1. Inspect Your Kayak: Look over every inch of your kayak for any damage. Check for cracks, holes, or any signs of wear and tear. Pay special attention to the hull, looking for any deformities that might have occurred while in storage.
  2. Check the Hardware: Make sure all screws and fittings are tight and in good condition. Loose or rusty parts can lead to problems when you’re out on the water.
  3. Test the Rudder and Pedals: If your kayak has a rudder or adjustable foot pedals, give them a test. Make sure they move freely and aren’t stuck or too loose.
  4. Clean It Up: Even if you cleaned your kayak before storing it for the winter, it’s a good idea to give it another wash. This helps you get a closer look at the condition of your kayak and gets rid of any dust or cobwebs that have accumulated.
  5. Safety Gear Check: Don’t forget about your safety gear. Check your life jacket, paddles, and any other equipment you use. It’s better to find and replace any faulty gear before you hit the water.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on “How to Store Kayaks in Garage”

What is the best way to store a kayak in a garage?

The best way involves hanging it from the ceiling or mounting it on a wall using racks or hoists. Ensure it’s stored in a way that doesn’t deform its shape and keeps it away from potential damage.

Can I store my kayak vertically in the garage?

Yes, you can store a kayak vertically, but ensure it’s well-supported and stable to prevent it from falling over. The weight should rest on its stern to avoid shape deformation.

Is it safe to hang a kayak by its handles for storage?

It’s not recommended to hang a kayak solely by its handles, as this can stress and potentially damage them. Using a proper kayak storage rack or slings that distribute the weight evenly is safer.

How do I protect my kayak from damage while storing it in the garage?

Use padded racks or supports to prevent pressure points, keep it away from direct sunlight and heat sources, and ensure it’s properly cleaned and dry before storing.

Can kayaks be stored outside if there’s no space in the garage?

Yes, but it’s crucial to cover them with a weather-resistant tarp and elevate them off the ground. However, indoor storage is generally preferable to protect from weather elements.

How often should I check on my stored kayak?

It’s good practice to inspect your stored kayak every few months for any signs of damage or wear, especially if it’s stored outdoors or in a place with temperature fluctuations.


Storing your kayak properly in your garage isn’t just about saving space; it’s about maintaining the integrity and safety of your cherished vessel. By following these tips and techniques, you can ensure that your kayak remains in excellent condition, ready for your next paddling adventure. Remember, a well-stored kayak means more time on the water and less time dealing with avoidable repairs.

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